
April 26th Learn more about April 26th

  • Forecast of Occurrence Trend of Rice Stem Borer

    Forecast of Occurrence Trend of Rice Stem Borer

    I. Occurrence degree: It is estimated that the first generation of rice borer, the main pest of rice in our city, will occur moderately. The occurrence area of the whole city can reach more than 250,000 mu, among which the early planting idle field is more than 50,000 mu. Second, the occurrence period: April 11, moth under the lamp, moth initial peak period 5/9 - 12, moth peak period 5/20 - 24; egg incubation period 5/27 - 5/30, first and second instar larvae peak period 6/4 - 6/10, the occurrence period is 3 days later than the recent three years. III. Forecast basis 1. Development progress: 4/2 this year

  • Romantic tung appreciation tourist Zhuang Yunlin Hakka tung flower festival made a dream debut on the 29th and 30th

    Romantic tung appreciation tourist Zhuang Yunlin Hakka tung flower festival made a dream debut on the 29th and 30th

    2017 Yunlin Hakka Tung Flower Festival will be staged this weekend (April 29th and 30th) at Hebaoshan Tonghua Park in Gukeng Township, Yuxi Community Park in Eryi Township, "back to hometown" Park and Zhaoan Hakka Cultural Center.

  • Occurrence regularity and Control of Cotton pests under drip Irrigation

    Occurrence regularity and Control of Cotton pests under drip Irrigation

    With the large-scale application of drip irrigation cotton technology, its irrigation mode has been improved, and it transports water and nutrients uniformly and continuously to the vicinity of cotton root system, and the matching techniques of cotton cultivation are changed. as a result, the ecological environment and occurrence law of pests in cotton field have changed accordingly. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the occurrence regularity and control measures of cotton pests under drip irrigation under plastic film, so as to ensure a sustained and balanced yield increase of cotton. 1. Cotton bollworm 1. Compared with previous years, the degree of occurrence was moderately severe in 2005.

  • Prediction and control of diseases and insect pests of Ermai in Shanghai

    Prediction and control of diseases and insect pests of Ermai in Shanghai

    According to the occurrence base of diseases and insect pests of two wheat crops in various districts (counties), combined with the analysis of weather conditions, it is expected that the occurrence trend of diseases and insect pests of two wheat crops in this city will be moderate this year. Among them, wheat scab occurred moderately, local heavy occurrence, gray planthopper heavy occurrence, local large occurrence, wheat aphid moderate occurrence, wheat powdery mildew, barley scab light occurrence, armyworm light occurrence. In order to effectively control the damage of diseases and pests and seize a bumper harvest of summer crops, it is hoped that all districts (counties) will conscientiously do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of summer crops in the light of their respective production practices. I. Analysis of occurrence trend

  • From a soft party to a brilliant succulent mage's inspirational growth record

    From a soft party to a brilliant succulent mage's inspirational growth record

    Follow Encyclopedia to meet Beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [A Jiu] for his original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-05-05 Editor: encyclopedia coordinates: Wuhan City, Hubei Province, each raise.

  • Life is not easy to give you ten hearts. I wish your friends all the best.

    Life is not easy to give you ten hearts. I wish your friends all the best.

    Today is April 26th, dear friend, it's a beautiful day and the time can't stop me from missing you. May my daily greetings bring you a new day-when nbsp; misses you, just take a look at it and feel warm. & nbsp...

  • The Nantou Meizi Festival kicks off with thousands of people making plum DlY.

    The Nantou Meizi Festival kicks off with thousands of people making plum DlY.

    The 2019 Nantou Meizi Festival opened at Meizi Dream Factory of Xinyi Peasants' Association on the morning of the 31st, attracting thousands of people to participate. Chen Zhengyi, deputy county magistrate, Chen Zhiqing, former chairman of the Council of Agriculture, Chen Shuhui, member of Parliament, Chen Guozhong, secretary general of the Council of Agriculture, and the Council of Agriculture.

  • Rice green planthopper

    Rice green planthopper

    The scientific name is Homoptera, Homoptera. Distributed in the south and north of Zizania caduciflora and rice growing areas. Host rice, Zizania caduciflora, wild Zizania caduciflora, etc. The damage is characterized by nymphs sucking rice juice, and the injured leaves appear yellow-white to light brown or brown spots, and then the leaves gradually turn yellow and dry from the leaf tip to the base, the feces cover the leaves to form coal stains, and the female oviposition marks show water stains at the beginning, then secrete white velvet wax powder, lose water after the wound, and the plants wither and die in patches. Morphological characteristics of male adult body length 5-6.1mm

  • Egg | profit Analysis and early warning of Poultry Egg breeding

    Egg | profit Analysis and early warning of Poultry Egg breeding

    First, the national average price of each link of important monitoring and early warning indicators 1, the price of meat and eggs: as of May 26, the price of meat and eggs was 0.60 yuan per egg, up 0.11 yuan from the previous month.

  • Refute the rumor why strawberries are still unsalable in a large area?

    Refute the rumor why strawberries are still unsalable in a large area?

    On April 26, the media bought eight strawberries from the market and "detected Acetochlor exceeding the standard", thus coming to the conclusion that strawberries are "carcinogenic", causing panic among consumers. On May 1, this newspaper published "Strawberry Pesticide residue exceeding the Standard causing Cancer". Is it true? Reporting from Beijing

    2016-03-20 Refute the rumor yes strawberry why also a large area unsalable April 26th
  • Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura

    DiometacremetaButler belongs to the family Lepidoptera. It belongs to one of the bridge-building insects, which is one of the most important pests to damage edible fungi such as Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus, Auricularia auricula and so on. The main damage characteristics are to eat Ganoderma lucidum cap and meat, leaving a curved tunnel at the victim site. And there are notched holes in the fruiting body. Reduce the commodity value of Ganoderma lucidum. The morphological characteristics of the adult are 11 mm in length and 25-26 mm in wingspan. The male worm has a dark purple-brown body, head and chest.

  • Which are the four major banks in China?

    Which are the four major banks in China?

    Which are the four major banks in China?

  • The price of Taiwan guava is stable. How much is guava? how many tons of guava per jin?

    The price of Taiwan guava is stable. How much is guava? how many tons of guava per jin?

    In order to stabilize the price of fruits and vegetables, the Council of Agriculture offered three arrows for export, processing and direct sales, and a few days ago also set up an export platform. the Council of Agriculture recently invited 100 enterprises, eight major banks, state-owned enterprises, empty kitchens, five-star hotels and supermarkets to start "public-private cooperation with farmers."

    2019-04-18 Taiwan guava price stability production and marketing more less money one jin marketing
  • Strawberries in many places are affected by the storm of "acetochlor exceeding the standard and causing cancer"

    Strawberries in many places are affected by the storm of

    Although acetochlor residues in strawberries exceeded the standard, they were denied by authoritative test results and experts in the industry. However, due to the widespread reports of excessive acetochlor residues in strawberries, it has quickly led to slow sales of strawberries in many main strawberry producing areas, and prices have dropped sharply. Farmers and

    2016-03-20 many places strawberries affected "acetochlor amine excessive carcinogenic " storm
  • How much is the corn now? Analysis on the trend of Corn Price in 2017

    How much is the corn now? Analysis on the trend of Corn Price in 2017

    How much is the corn now? Analysis on the trend of Corn Price in 2017

  • Experienced the winter and Rain Water's challenge, Peach Egg successfully counterattacked.

    Experienced the winter and Rain Water's challenge, Peach Egg successfully counterattacked.

    Follow encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat: duoroubaike) text begin: thank the author [Morning air] for original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-05-12 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.

  • Heyu 187 is a transgenic variety.

    Heyu 187 is a transgenic variety.

    Heyu 187 is not a transgenic variety. Heyu 187 is a maize variety bred by variety V76-1WC009. It was examined and approved by the Ninth meeting of the third National crop Variety approval Committee on June 29th, 2017. the approval number: national examination and approval Yu 20170014. I. Heyu 187 products

    2020-11-09 Heyu 187 yes transgenic variety no genetically modified
  • The stunning dragon spits beads

    The stunning dragon spits beads

    Dragon spitting bead: shrub of the family Verbenaceae, having young branches quadrangular, yellowish brown tomentose, glabrous when old. Leaf blade papery, narrowly ovate or ovate-oblong, apex acuminate, base subrounded, entire; Cymes axillary or pseudoterminal, dichotomous.

  • Approaching the Master-- A glimpse of the first Chinese Bonsai Master Exhibition

    Approaching the Master-- A glimpse of the first Chinese Bonsai Master Exhibition

    "the Spring Equinox wicker warbler song, the Summer Solstice pine forest crane accompaniment. The mountains and rivers are infinitely beautiful, and the master pot exhibition is even more voluptuous. " On April 26th, 2018, we welcomed the first national bonsai master and BCI international bonsai master works exhibition. ...

  • Hou Youyi, Mayor of New North, invites everyone to chill together on the youth mountain line

    Hou Youyi, Mayor of New North, invites everyone to chill together on the youth mountain line

    New Taipei City Tourism Bureau teamed up with Julia, the wife of the villagers, to launch the latest brand image film "Higher" yesterday (26). The light and casual music style matches the beautiful scenery along the mountain and sea line, showing the latest chill travel.
